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Sun 16th Apr ’23

Dear Internet,

No charge


We came home from the family holidays on Monday. Instead of having a restful week to recover, I hit the ground running. What could go wrong?!

These things happened this week



  1. Have a browse of Hiller Goodspeed’s website for lots of cute content. Unfortunately the images don’t have alt text though, so here’s a description of the featured image. The image is a square and has a pale blue background. The foreground is hand drawn over 5 rows. The first 3 rows are black capital letter text; the 4th row is an illustration. The last row is text. Row 1: “Hide away”. Row 2: “Hide forever”. Row 3: “Inside your new”. Row 4: A lined illustration of a hollow tube, with a simply drawn person lying in the tube. Propped up on their elbows, their smiling face is poking out. Line 4: “Safety tube”. Jump to source of footnote 1
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